# | rid | key | def
1 | |ProjectID346:analog| | |analog| | |The traditional format in which audio and video are transmitted by using a wave or analog signal. An analog signal may not work with digital speakers; computers use digital signals.| |
2 | |ProjectID346:anchor_window| | |anchor window| | |A small window that can appear in the lower-right corner of the screen when Windows Media Player is in skin mode. You can use the window to return to full mode and access other commands.| |
3 | |ProjectID346:bit_rate| | |bit rate| | |The number of bits transferred per unit of time | typically expressed in bits per second.| |
4 | |ProjectID346:broadband| | |broadband| | |A transmission medium designed for high-speed data transfers over long distances. Cable modem services and DSL are examples of broadband networks.| |
5 | |ProjectID346:buffer| | |buffer| | |An area of computer memory reserved for temporarily holding data before that data is used on the receiving computer. Buffering protects against the interruption of data flow.| |
6 | |ProjectID346:burn| | |burn| | |To copy files to a recordable CD.| |
7 | |ProjectID346:caption| | |caption| | |Text that accompanies images or videos | either as a supplemental description or a transcript of spoken words.| |
8 | |ProjectID346:cd| | |CD| | || |
9 | |ProjectID346:cd_burner| | |CD burner| | |See other term: disc burner| |
10 | |ProjectID346:cd_r| | |CD-R| | || |
11 | |ProjectID346:cd_rw| | |CD-RW| | || |
12 | |ProjectID346:chapter| | |chapter| | |In a DVD | a portion of a title | such as a scene or sequence. A title can contain one or more chapters.| |
13 | |ProjectID346:codec| | |codec| | |An abbreviation for compressor/decompressor. Software or hardware used to compress and decompress digital media.| |
14 | |ProjectID346:compact_disc__cd_| | |compact disc (CD)| | |An optical storage medium for digital data.| |
15 | |ProjectID346:compact_disc_recordable__cd_r_| | |compact disc-recordable (CD-R)| | |A type of CD on which files can be copied | but not erased or replaced.| |
16 | |ProjectID346:compact_disc_rewritable__cd_rw_| | |compact disc-rewritable (CD-RW)| | |A type of CD on which files can be copied | erased | and replaced.| |
17 | |ProjectID346:compression| | |compression| | |A process for removing redundant data from a digital media file or stream to reduce its size or the bandwidth used.| |
18 | |ProjectID346:connection_speed| | |connection speed| | |The maximum rate | in bits per second | at which data can be transferred between a network and a computer or device.| |
19 | |ProjectID346:content_provider| | |content provider| | |The person or organization that distributes Windows Media files (for example | a record | movie | or streaming media company). The content provider may also be the content owner.| |
20 | |ProjectID346:digital| | |digital| | |Data represented as binary digits (zeros and ones).| |
21 | |ProjectID346:disc_burner| | |disc burner| | |A device used to copy files to recordable CDs and DVDs.| |
22 | |ProjectID346:download| | |download| | |To transfer a file over a network in response to a request from the device that receives the data. Downloaded content is kept on the receiving device for playback on demand. In contrast | streamed content is played as it is delivered.| |
23 | |ProjectID346:error_correction| | |error correction| | |In Windows Media Player | a process to ensure that digital audio data is read from the CD-ROM drive accurately during playback or copying. Using error correction can prevent undesirable noises that are not part of the original material.| |
24 | |ProjectID346:file_format| | |file format| | |The structure or organization of data in a file. File format is usually indicated by the file name extension.| |
25 | |ProjectID346:file_name_extension| | |file name extension| | |A set of characters added to the end of a file name that identifies the file type or format.| |
26 | |ProjectID346:file_type| | |file type| | |A description of the content or format of a file. File type is usually indicated by the file name extension.| |
27 | |ProjectID346:firewall| | |firewall| | |A combination of hardware and software that enforces a boundary between two or more networks and prevents unauthorized access to a private network.| |
28 | |ProjectID346:frame| | |frame| | |One of many sequential images that make up video.| |
29 | |ProjectID346:frame_rate| | |frame rate| | |The number of video frames displayed per second. Higher frame rates generally produce smoother movement in the picture.| |
30 | |ProjectID346:full_mode| | |full mode| | |The default operational state of Windows Media Player in which all of its features are displayed. The Player can also appear in skin mode.| |
31 | |ProjectID346:hdcd| | |HDCD| | || |
32 | |ProjectID346:high_definition_compatible_digital__hdcd_| | |High Definition Compatible Digital (HDCD)| | |A patented encode/decode process that improves the quality of all forms of digital audio recording and playback by increasing resolution and reducing distortion that occurs during analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) conversion | digital processing | and digital filtering. <p>| |
33 | |ProjectID346:http| | |HTTP| | || |
34 | |ProjectID346:hypertext_transfer_protocol__http_| | |Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)| | |The Internet protocol used to deliver information over the World Wide Web.| |
35 | |ProjectID346:library| | |library| | |In Windows Media Player | a database that contains information about digital media files on a computer | a network drive | or the Internet.| |
36 | |ProjectID346:licensed_file| | |licensed file| | |A Windows Media file that has an associated license that defines how the file can be played. The restrictions stated in the license vary depending on the license creator. When a CD track is copied by using Windows Media Player | a license can be assigned to the newly created file. Under that license | the file can only be played on the computer where the file was created.| |
37 | |ProjectID346:media_information| | |media information| | |Information about digital media content such as the artist | title | album | producer | and so forth. Also known as metadata or tags.<p>| |
38 | |ProjectID346:midi| | |MIDI| | || |
39 | |ProjectID346:moving_picture_experts_group__mpeg_| | |Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG)| | |The committee that creates international standards for coding audio-visual information to a digital | compressed format. The acronym MPEG is appended to the beginning of individual specifications developed by the committee. For example | MPEG-2 refers to the standard | ISO/IEC - 11172.| |
40 | |ProjectID346:mpeg| | |MPEG| | || |
41 | |ProjectID346:multicast| | |multicast| | |A content delivery method in which a single stream is transmitted from a media server to multiple clients. The clients have no connection with the server. Instead | the server sends a single copy of the stream across the network to multicast-enabled routers | which replicate the data. Clients can then receive the stream by monitoring a specific multicast IP address and port.| |
42 | |ProjectID346:musical_instrument_digital_interface__midi_| | |Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)| | |A specification of the MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA). The specification defines a protocol for describing music data | such as note on and note off messages; a file format for storing music data | called Standard MIDI; and a standard hardware interface.| |
43 | |ProjectID346:online_store| | |online store| | |In Windows Media Player | a Web site that offers digital media content by subscription or for purchase.| |
44 | |ProjectID346:partnership| | |partnership| | |The set of rules on a computer and a portable device that allow digital media files and other information to be synchronized.| |
45 | |ProjectID346:playlist| | |playlist| | |A list of digital media content.| |
46 | |ProjectID346:port| | |port| | |A connection point in a computer through which a peripheral device or another computer can communicate.| |
47 | |ProjectID346:portable_device| | |portable device| | |A mobile electronic device that can exchange files or other data with a computer or device. Examples of portable devices include Pocket PCs | portable digital music players | and Smartphones.| |
48 | |ProjectID346:protocol| | |protocol| | |A set of formats and procedures that enable computers to exchange information.| |
49 | |ProjectID346:proxy_server| | |proxy server| | |A server located on a network between client software | such as a Web browser | and another server. It intercepts all requests to the server to determine whether it can fulfill them itself. If not | it forwards the request to another server.| |
50 | |ProjectID346:rip| | |rip| | |To copy digital media content from an audio CD. Content may be converted to a different format during the ripping process.| |
51 | |ProjectID346:skin| | |skin| | |A user interface that provides an alternative appearance and customized functionality for software such as Windows Media Player.| |
52 | |ProjectID346:skin_mode| | |skin mode| | |An operational state of Windows Media Player in which its user interface is displayed as a skin.| |
53 | |ProjectID346:streaming| | |streaming| | |A method of delivering digital media across a network in a continuous flow. The digital media is played by client software as it is received. Typically | streaming makes it unnecessary for users to download a file before playing it.| |
54 | |ProjectID346:synchronization| | |synchronization| | |In Windows Media Player | the process of maintaining digital media files on a portable device based on the rules in a partnership or actions specified by the user. This may require copying digital media files from a computer to a device | updating information on the device | or deleting files from the device.| |
55 | |ProjectID346:tcp| | |TCP| | || |
56 | |ProjectID346:title| | |title| | |On a DVD | typically | the largest unit of content | such as a movie or TV program | is called a title. There is not a consistent standard across all DVDs and because of this | a DVD can contain one or more titles.| |
57 | |ProjectID346:track| | |track| | |An individual song or other discrete piece of audio content.<p>| |
58 | |ProjectID346:transmission_control_protocol__tcp_| | |Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)| | |The protocol within TCP/IP that governs the breakup of data messages into packets to be sent via IP | and the reassembly and verification of the complete messages from packets received by IP.| |
59 | |ProjectID346:udp| | |UDP| | || |
60 | |ProjectID346:user_datagram_protocol__udp_| | |User Datagram Protocol (UDP)| | |A connectionless transport protocol in the TCP/IP protocol stack that is used in cases where some packet loss is acceptable | for example | with digital media streams.| |
61 | |ProjectID346:visualization| | |visualization| | |In Windows Media Player | a graphical display that changes in response to the audio signal.| |
62 | |ProjectID346:windows_media_file| | |Windows Media file| | |A file that contains audio | video | or script data. The content of the file is encoded with one of the Windows Media codecs.| |
63 | |ProjectID346:windows_media_format| | |Windows Media Format| | |The format of a digital media file or stream that was encoded with Windows Media codecs.|